Monday 2 January 2012

2012 Thrills & Hunts

Hello again Voluptuous ones!

Well here we are again at the start of another year. I really hope that each and everyone of you have had a fantastic Christmas and are all braced for the joys of a superb New Year!?

I read this week on a Twitter feed somebody said  At some point you have to ask yourself "What did I do with this life?" Personally I think the question should be… “ What do I do next with my life?” Not that I think it’s wrong to look at where you are, and what you have done, always good to learn from experience, but even better to move on and go grab the new experiences. Anyway…just a thought to ponder. I know I am excited 2012 is here. Voluptia needs to be making you smile more and not only am I committed to making that happen, but I have a few or more personal RL goals to kick the ass of too!!

So on the note of starting the New year in style….I am delighted to introduce Thrill!!

This beautiful lace set comes in 5 stunning colours - Black, Orchid, White, Scarlet and Olive…the 6th colour (Petrol) is for the For Whatever Hunt which runs from 1st - 31st January. So be sure to come seek that out and grab the hunt info. As for Thrill, at the super price of just L$199 it’s worth getting a couple as the layers can be mixed to make some pretty cute combinations.

Finally, I want to say a really massive thank you to each and every one of you for all your support through 2011. Voluptia would not be here if not for you and I cannot ever thank you enough. Please know it's truly appreciated. Mushy hugs all around...ok, I am shooshing!

Warmest wishes as always,
Lady V xx

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