Saturday, 28 December 2013

Dance Delights

NEW!!! Strictly Voluptia Dance Lounge

Just a lindy hop, skip and jump away...attached to the mainstore and all the yummy undies...the Strictly Voluptia Dance Lounge has chat, great music, dancing and cocktails...or a nice cup of tea if your prefer!

Swing by if you get a cha-cha-chance, waltz you got to lose? Ok, enough cheesy ballroom puns...come spend a while and say hello! (in case you were wondering, yes I am shameless in my love of all things Strictly...sadly Santa did not send me Artem...but if I'm good, there's always next year!! me be good? who am I kidding? another bloody satsuma for me!) Hope to see you there...and remember...keep on dancing!

Much love,
Lady V x

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Mini Makeover

So there I was wandering around the store and suddenly it hit me that I couldn't see where the hell I was going! I thought...hmmm...ya know could do with some light in here...and so it came to pass...white is the new black!!! Come on over and find your way around too, sunglasses advised for the uninitiated!!

Check out the new pretty and woohoo even some new clothing! (including the fabulous jumpsuit I am sporting here). There will me more knickers in time, I promise, but had an urge to wear something more substantial in public ;)

See you soon, love to you all..

Lady V xx

NEW IMPROVED: Voluptia - House Of Glamour